out-of-box experience (OOBE)

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Improve customer relationships: The out-of-box experience can be delightful or stressful, and it often deeply affects a customer's perception of your business. Observe the first experience people have with your product, when opening the package and taking it into use. Improve first impressions and interactions, enhance user guides, reduce customer support costs. Optimal prior to a launch, but also very effective after.

How it works: 

In-home videotaped observation of the interactions and first impressions a user has with a product (or service) after purchase. Conversation and follow-up questions with the user while it's happening. Each user also keeps an online diary documenting their first ten days of experience.

  • understand first impressions and gaps with user expectations
  • identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • highlight issues in packaging, setup, and usability
  • enhance the initial experience
  • improve the user guide
  • reduce calls to customer support
  • when done pre-launch:
    • get early user feedback to solve potential problems
    • alert customer support to likely issues that will come up
    • prioritize feature improvements for upcoming product revisions
  • Project Server
    • online diaries and photos, searchable
  • Data Review
    • emergent findings
  • Insights Workshop
    • presentation of findings and recommendations with slides and visuals
    • insight cards
    • participant profiles
    • video highlights
Time Frame: 
6 weeks

5 participants; one market; not the point-of-sale experience

Add Option: 
$36,000 per additional market / additional 5 participants